投稿:8/29/16 | 2016年8月29日

LGBT旅行者は、「安全な」目的地をチェックアウトするだけですか、それとも同性愛が違法であっても、彼らが分岐して必要な国をチェックしなければなりませんか?このゲスト投稿では、Adam of AdamのAdamがこの論争の的となっているトピックについての考えを共有し、この複雑な決定に取り組むのに役立ついくつかのアイデアを提供します。



















Autright Action Internationalのアウトリーチディレクターであり、Weekly Gayography News Briefの編集者であるAshton Gieseは、「ボイコットは独裁者や権威主義体制に対して実際には機能しない」と示唆しています。民主的な機関が存在する必要があります。そこでは、人々とサービスが実際に変化をもたらす声を持つことができます。」

しかし、反ゲイの目的地をボイコットすることで、そこに存在する可能性のあるLGBTサービスをサポートする機会も逃します。アシュトンは次のように推奨しています。 2月にエジプトをチェックしました。光景を見て、そこでゲイコミュニティと交流することは並外れたものでした。」





旅行者として、私たちは通常、「観光特権」とバブルに陥っているので、FOだけでなく、プライバシーの問題に注意することが重要ですr yourself but for the people you interact with when traveling.

But do you always have to be an activist?

If it’s possible to check out safely as an LGBT traveler, must we deny ourselves travel experiences because of who we are? a lot of LGBT travelers I’ve spoken to about this issue are conflicted.

There’s a sense that you shouldn’t give your tourism money to notoriously anti-gay destinations, but where people draw those lines seems to vary. For example, Uganda may have horrible anti-gay legislation, but there are still LGBT people living there — and still LGBT tourists traveling there. Not to mention their thriving tourism industry.

Troy Petenbrink, a journalist and blogger, wrote:

In general, I think we do a lot more to help change anti-gay destinations’ attitudes and behaviors by satisfying destinations that openly welcome us. I believe destinations seeing the power of the LGBT travel dollar benefiting their competition can bring about change. Those who argue that gays and lesbians vacationing in a horrible anti-LGBT destination such as Jamaica will somehow bring about change are foolish — and potentially dangerous.

In the end, travel is typically political. and choosing to specifically not check out a destination is a political statement, hopefully, formed out of a belief system and ideas based on reality.

My best holidays have been ones where I’ve both had fun and learned something and I’ve found travel to be an fantastic way to discover the lots of differences in our world.

When checking out homophobic places, it’s crucial to make yourself aware of the local customs and laws, while still being mindful of both your safety and that of the locals. depend on your instincts and make informed decisions.

For me, I don’t policy out checking out anti-LGBT destinations. Governments change and people’s attitudes don’t typically reflect their government’s. While I think it’s crucial to be very cautious — and some countries aren’t on my bucket list because of their policies — I believe it’s just as crucial to take each country on a case-by-case basis and look at the overall situation.

The best we can do is be as informed as we can, but also remember that, while it is crucial to be cautious, if we believe travel can break down barriers, a blanket boycott of all anti-LGBT destinations won’t do that.

Adam Groffman is a former graphic designer who left a publishing job to travel around the world. He’s a gay travel expert, writer, and blogger and publishes a series of LGBT-friendly Hipster City Guides from around the world on his gay travel blog, Travels of Adam. When he’s not out exploring the coolest bars and clubs, he’s normally enjoying the local arts and culture scene. find a lot more of his travel ideas (and embarrassing stories) on Twitter.

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